Biscuit Barrels & Jam Pots
Showing all 12 results
Blue & White Basket Weave Covered Pot
£45.00 ( approximately $64 USD)
Carlton Ware Flow Blue, Ivory Ground with Floral Pattern Biscuit Barrel
£48.00 ( approximately $68 USD)
Flow Blue – Roses – Biscuit Barrel
Biscuit Barrels & Jam Pots, Blue and White, Ceramics, Flow Blue, Polychrome, W. Wood & Co.
£28.00 ( approximately $40 USD)
Flow Blue Cobalt & Gold Doulton Biscuit Barrel
Biscuit Barrels & Jam Pots, Ceramics, Doulton, Flow Blue, New Items, Potter, Staffordshire
£75.00 ( approximately $106 USD)
Very Nice Tapestry Doulton Biscuit Barrel
Biscuit Barrels & Jam Pots, Blue and White, Ceramics, Doulton, Flow Blue, Potter, Staffordshire
£65.00 ( approximately $92 USD)